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DescriptionShow Description    

DinotopiaDinotopia premiered on ABC on May 12, 2002. Dinotopia evolved from a series of fanciful art prints featuring dinosaurs and humans in a variety of different scenes. James Gurney's vision then expanded into a series of books and novelizations, which fully realized a fantasyland where dinosaurs and humans coexist, sharing a unique language and code of ethics. This mini-series is about two troubled brothers who are marooned on a hidden continent called Dinotopia. What they discover is a mysterious and remarkable world where dinosaurs and humans live together in peace and harmony, influenced very little by the outside world.

EpisodesShow Episodes    

First Episode, Parts 1 and 2
Frank Scott, a wealthy American, crashes his plane into the Caribbean. He appears to perish, but his two teenaged sons, Karl and David, survive, only to find themselves castaways on Dinotopia, a fantastic lost continent where humans and dinosaurs peacefully co-exist.

Second Episode, Parts 1 and 2
Karl begins training at the hatchery, where his saurian partner is born, while sick David gets medical care; as the Sunstones continue to fail and dinosaurs rampage the continent, Zippo urges the senators to send an expedition to the World Beneath.

Third Episode, Parts 1 and 2
Karl, David, Marion and Zippo join with the rogue Cyrus Crabb to brave the World Beneath and find a solution for the failing Sunstones.

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