Dark Angel premiered on FOX on October 3, 2000. Academy Award-winning director James Cameron teams with Emmy Award-winning writer Charles Eglee to create this futuristic, sci-fi adventure series set in post-apocalyptic America. Dark Angel is about Max, a genetically enhanced human prototype who, after escaping her military handlers, is hunted by them through the edgy, underground street life of 21st Century Pacific Northwest. Max is aided in her quest -- both to avoid capture and to reunite with her surviving "siblings" scattered in the aftermath of their escape -- by Logan, an idealistic cyber-journalist battling corruption and the oppressive establishment in this futuristic lanDISCape. Although she initially resists Logan's attempts to enlist her in his social struggle, preferring instead to maintain the ultracool demeanor of detached, alienated youth, Max ultimately brings her unique skills and abilities to bear in taking on the ruthless power-brokers of the new millennium.