Primeval premiered on ITV1 on February 10, 2007. Jurassic Park meets Doctor Who in this thriller where dinosaurs wreak havoc in the present day. When evolutionary zoologist Nick Cutter discovers prehistoric creatures alive and well in the present day, the natural world is turned on its head and humanity faces a threat to its very existence. Unexplained anomalies are ripping holes in the fabric of time, allowing creatures from the very earliest stages of Earth's development to roam the modern world. Cutter and his team struggle to keep the looming disaster secret, while dealing with savage dinosaurs and other deadly foes. Cutter also has to deal with a deeply personal dilemma he discovers that his wife, missing for eight years and believed to be dead, has actually been travelling in the past. Now she's back, with possible answers to the riddle of the anomalies, but is it an answer she's willing to share?