Tin Man premiered on Syfy on December 1, 2007. A sometimes psychedelic, often twisted and always bizarre take on 'he Wizard of Oz, this is is the epic tale of DG, a young woman plucked from her humdrum life and thrust into The Outer Zone (the O.Z.) - a fantastical realm rife with wonder, but oppressed by dark magic. In the adventure of a lifetime, DG discovers her true identity, battles evil winged-monkey-bats, and attempts to fulfill her destiny. Her perilous journey begins on the fabled Old Road that leads to a wizard known as the Mystic Man. Along the way, she is joined by a decidedly strange trio of companions: Glitch, an odd man missing half his brain; Raw, a quietly powerful wolverine-like creature longing for inner courage, and Cain, a heroic former policeman (who are known in the O.Z. as Tin Men) seeking vengeance for his scarred heart. Ultimately, DG's destiny leads her to an emotional and terrifying showdown with the scintillatingly wicked sorceress Azkadellia, whose ties to DG are closer than anyone could have imagined. DG's life, as well as the very future of the O.Z., hang in the balance.